Osage Nation Principal Chief Geoffrey Standing Bear has set the date for the next Hominy Indian Village Five-man Board election for Nov. 2.
The current Five-man board consists of Everett Waller (chair), Wilson Mitts, Jessie Mickles, Jake Waller and one vacancy. The last election held for the Hominy village was in 2009, according to Everett Waller.
Standing Bear said the Hominy village was overdue to have their election and according to Osage law ONCA 9.1, the chief calls the biennial election for the Hominy village which is why he issued Executive Order No. 15-03, ordering for the election to take place.
“We used the constitution of the village as our guide as well as the Osage Nation code, we used both as our guide on the subject,” Standing Bear said.
According to the Hominy village constitution, a person must be an Osage Nation member, a resident of the Hominy village for at least 30 days during the 12 months preceding the election and must be 21 years of age by Nov. 2 in order to vote.
According to the executive order, if the Hominy Five-man Board doesn’t post the location and time of the election two weeks prior to the election, the election will take place at the Hominy Community Building and the poll will open at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.
According to the executive order, notice of the election must be posted in the Hominy village in three separate places two weeks prior to the election.
Shannon Shaw Duty
Original Publish Date: 2015-09-10 00:00:00