Dear Osage Community,
My name is Veronica Matta, and I write from Sardinia, an island in the heart of the Mediterranean. As an anthropologist and president of a cultural association, I am committed to defending the cultural and environmental heritage of this unique land. I write to you with great admiration for your battle against the Italian energy giant Enel. Your struggle represents an extraordinary example of community resistance, an inspiration for those of us who are facing similar challenges.
Sardinia is also threatened by large-scale energy development projects, particularly the installation of huge wind turbines. Despite the fact the island already produces more energy than it consumes, these seemingly sustainable projects seem motivated by profit rather than safeguarding our ecosystem or our rich cultural heritage. Our history is marked by a long tradition of resilience against external forces, and today that same resilience drives us to protect our land. We believe that your experience can teach us much. We share with you a commitment to defending the environment and preserving the bonds between community and land for future generations.
With humility, I would like to ask for the opportunity to connect with members of your community who have led your struggle. I am convinced that a collaboration between our resilient realities could strengthen both of our efforts, sending a powerful message: local communities can unite to oppose speculation that threatens the planet and cultures. In the heart of the American Great Plains and the deepest Mediterranean, a similar battle is being fought: the defense of land, culture and rights against energy giants. The Osage and Sardinians face strategies that threaten the integrity of their communities in the name of profit disguised as sustainability.
With great hope and gratitude,
Veronica Matta
Anthropologist and President Sa Mata, an association for the defense of Mediterranean culture