The Osage Minerals Council may be cutting back on its committee count.
At its Oct. 17 meeting, Chairman Everett Waller charged Councilman Myron Red Eagle to review the council’s list of committees and come up with a list of possible eliminations and consolidations for consideration at the Nov. 2 meeting.
“It was discussed at the last meeting a little bit … that we have too many committees,” Red Eagle said. “I kind of agree with that. Some of the folks who live out of town, like Susan (Forman) and Paul (Revard), live in Tulsa, that’s an hour away. That’s 94 miles per day and that’s a bit of a drive.”
Including its two temporary ones, the council currently has 14 committees, with four new ones established in July after the Fourth Minerals Council was sworn in. Among the consolidation suggestions floated were the possibility of combining the natural gas, orphan well and plugging committees into a single entity.
“The committees have a place here,” Councilwoman Margo Gray said. “We want to hear our shareholders’ voices. I don’t want to stop those voices because it is very limited in the meetings when we’re in here, but in committee work, there are opportunities to hear how things impact them.”
Meanwhile, plans are continuing to move forward for the council’s upcoming oil and gas summit.
The event is scheduled for Dec. 12-13 at Osage Casino Tulsa with a lease sale planned for 10 a.m. on Dec. 12. The Osage Agency is accepting tract nominations for the sale through Oct. 31.
The two-day agenda is still in flux with tentative plans calling for workshops on drone technology developments, orphan well data, the American Burying Beetle and federal regulations over Osage County drilling operations.
Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton
Original Publish Date: 2018-10-26 00:00:00