The Ninth Osage Nation Congress will convene for the 2025 Hun-Kah Session starting Monday, March 31 in Pawhuska.
Mandated by the 2006 Osage Constitution, the spring legislative session is the first of two regular 24-day sessions for the 12-member Congress. Per Osage law, the Hun-Kah Session begins on the last Monday in March of each year.
During the session, Congress will meet to consider filed bills, resolutions and other matters for review and possible action. The Congress will also consider individuals appointed to serve on the Nation’s boards and commissions for confirmation votes as needed when current member terms expire or to fill vacancies.
Throughout the session, Congressional select and standing committee meetings will be scheduled for initial reviews and consideration of legislative bills and resolutions, possible amendments and other action. The committees also initially consider board and commission appointees, who must provide their professional experience and answer a questionnaire as part of the vetting process to be considered for a vote by session’s end.
Before the Hun-Kah Session adjournment, Congress elects their Speaker and Second Speaker officers to serve one-year terms, according to ON Congressional Rules. Congress also forms their select and standing committees at that time, with those committee terms lasting one year.
During the session and committee meetings held in the Legislative Branch Chambers along Pawhuska’s Main Street, Congressional public meetings (except executive sessions as allowed by Osage law) will be live-streamed at
Downloadable copies of filed legislative bills and resolutions, as well as Congressional meeting notices and agendas are posted online to the Legislative Branch website at: