Benny Polacca
During the 2019 Tzi-Zho Session, the Sixth Osage Nation Congress confirmed several individuals to fill vacant positions on several boards and commissions.
The Congress voted to confirm the following Osages to respective open board and commission seats:
– Scott Manzer of Bakersfield, Calif., is the appointee selected by the Congress to serve on the Nation’s newly established Investment Oversight Committee.
Passed during the 2019 Hun-Kah Session in April, ONCA 19-23 (sponsored by Congresswoman Maria Whitehorn) amended the Nation’s Treasury law to establish an Investment Oversight Committee, which is a subordinate committee under the direction of the Nation’s Treasurer. This committee comprises the Treasurer as chairperson and two qualified professionals with one person appointed by the Principal Chief and the other member by motion and an affirmative vote of Congress. The committee is tasked with implementing a financial management plan and investment strategy for the Nation.
– Richard Perrier, a retired U.S. Air Force Chief Master Sergeant, is now serving on the Osage Limited Liability Company (LLC) Board. Perrier joins the LLC Board after stepping down from the Nation’s Veterans Memorial Commission, a post he’s served since 2016.
– Army veteran and former ON Congressman James Norris is now serving on the Veterans Memorial Commission. Norris, a retired physician assistant and Indian Health Service administrator, served a four-year term on the Osage Congress ending in 2018. During the Vietnam War, Norris served with the 173rd Airborne and 12th Special Forces Group.
– Beverly Brownfield, Teresa Rutherford and Rhonda Wallace are all confirmed to serve on the newly established ON Tax Advisory Board. All three Osage women previously served on the defunct Tax Commission Board, which was dissolved in 2014.
According to the law (ONCA 19-06 sponsored by Congressional Speaker Joe Tillman) passed by Congress during the 2019 Hun-Kah Session, the tax advisory board is charged with duties including: reviewing tax laws, policies and regulations, performing research, attending conferences on tribal taxation and providing reports and recommendations for changes in policy and regulation to the Principal Chief and the Director of the Tax Commission, and amendments to the Nation’s tax code to the ON Congress. The board shall also perform additional research as requested by the executive and legislative branches and the board will have no administrative or supervisory functions.
Original Publish Date: 2019-10-23 00:00:00