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HomeCommunityON ServicesOsage Nation Real Estate Services opens Restricted Land Program applications

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Osage Nation Real Estate Services opens Restricted Land Program applications

Applications will be accepted between Jan. 1, 2024, and March 1, 2024, for the Fencing, Boundary Surveys, Noxious Weed, and Pond Program. There is no deadline for the Critical Access Road and Prescribed Burn/Cedar Removal Program.

The Osage Nation Real Estate Services (ONRES) is now accepting applications for the Restricted Land Program. This new program assists in restricted land maintenance for restricted landowners and those with lifetime use of restricted land. 

“It is an honor and privilege to provide this direct service to our Restricted Landowners,” said Osage Nation Real Estate Director Natasha Yancey. “Osage Nation Real Estate Services is proud to be a part of helping our Restricted Landowners maintain and improve their land for generations to come.” 

Maintenance includes:  

  • Noxious Weed
  • Boundary Survey
  • Fencing
  • Road Access
  • Pond Maintenance
  • Controlled Burn
  • Cedar Removal 

Applications will be accepted between Jan. 1, 2024, and March 1, 2024, for the Fencing, Boundary Surveys, Noxious Weed, and Pond Program. There is no deadline for the Critical Access Road and Prescribed Burn/Cedar Removal Program. The money available for this program is limited, and a restricted landowner/lifetime user may apply for one, two, or all available services rendered within the scope of services. Eligible applicants will be able to apply for each service; however, there is a tier of classifications for each service that will be taken into consideration for approval of the requested service. Each allotment on the submitted application will be physically inspected by ONRES field inspectors to determine the need for the service(s) the restricted landowners applied for to determine critical need due to safety issues or overgrowth of noxious weeds. 

Restricted land is land or any interest to which an individual Indian or tribe holds title, subject to federal restrictions against alienation or encumbrance. 

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • 100% Owner/Operator 
  • Undivided Interest Owner/Operator 
  • 100% Owned Leased Out 
  • Undivided Interest Leased Out

The program policy and applications are available at www.osagenation-nsn.gov/services/real-estate-services. Applicants must be able to provide allotment number(s), legal description, description of services requested, and a utility bill in order to verify that the Critical Road Access request is for the applicant’s primary residence. Note: The Osage Nation Real Estate Services will require original signatures by mail or e-mail for the Restricted Land application

Osage Nation Real Estate Services (ONRES) provides oversight, monitoring, advice, and coordination for protecting, managing, planning, conserving, developing, and utilizing over 135,000 acres of trust and restricted lands. For additional information, please call (918) 287-5257 or email realestateservices@osagenation-nsn.gov


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