The Osage News 2022 calendars are now available for sale featuring a variety of staff photos taken during Inlonshka in previous years.
Each month of the calendar features a variety of photos taken through the years at each of the three Osage villages during the respective four-day Inlonshka occasions held in June. Each page indicates the years the photos were taken.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Grayhorse, Hominy and Pawhuska districts all decided to postpone their 2020 Inlonshka dances held during the month of June. The Hominy District later held its Inlonshka in September with only Hominy District Osages and families in attendance to reduce crowding like with other social events worldwide, which were either canceled, postponed or held with reduced capacities.
Bartlesville-based designer Sherry Stinson of Tyler Creative, who designs the monthly Osage News print edition, also designed the News’ 2020 Calendar.
The calendar consists of various photos taken around the three villages’ grounds during the Inlonshka occasions and costs $15 each.
Those interested in purchasing calendars can stop in our office (facial masks required) or call and order over the phone. We are now accepting credit/debit card payments. We also accept cash, check or money order.
Osage News
604 Kihekah
Pawhuska, OK 74056
Phone: (918) 287-5668
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