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HomeGovernmentCandidatesTina Allen: Candidate statement for 2024 Osage Nation Congressional Election

Tina Allen: Candidate statement for 2024 Osage Nation Congressional Election

Candidate statements and announcements are a free submission offered to candidates of the 2024 Osage Nation Congressional Election.

By Tina Allen

“The Osage People FIRST, The Osage Nation government second!”

I’m Tina Allen and I come before you as a Candidate for election to the Osage Nation Congress. I have a Master of Fine Arts Degree, am a Real Estate Broker and have sold real estate in California, Utah and Colorado, managing Sales Offices in all three States. As we now own 70,000 acres of land and numerous properties throughout Osage County, a background in Real Estate will be very important for Osage Nation land and property purchases in future.

In the main, in my opinion, as one of the members of the Osage Nation who do not live in Osage County, we are not properly and equitably represented by all of our members of the Legislative Branch. Spending, since 2018 is at the highest levels it has ever been and most of it is spending in Osage County in areas directly involving the Osage Nation government itself and construction projects either built, new, in need of renovation or in various stages of being built.


If elected, I plan to see to it that ALL Osage Nation members, no matter where we reside, have a true, a real and a proper member representation with genuine inclusion for us happening in the Osage Nation Congress without continued preferential deference for Osage Nation Osage County based concerns and spending that are almost always placed first and foremost. 

I humbly ask for your vote and your help as your at-large member of the Osage Nation Congress to turn back the tide and return us all to the hope we had for this new Osage Constitutional government and the fulfillment of its promise for all of us Osage Nation members no matter where we are located worldwide. 


Editor’s Note: Candidate statements and announcements are not edited by the Osage News. They are a free submission offered to candidates of the 2024 Osage Nation Congressional Election.


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